Can you take Mucinex while pregnant?
Mucinex is a popular brand name for medications primarily designed to alleviate symptoms of cold, flu, and allergies. The primary ingredient in most Mucinex products …

Can you use a heating pad while pregnant?
Pregnancy brings about a myriad of changes to a woman’s body. From the joy of feeling the baby’s first movements to the discomfort of swollen …

Can You Take Emergen-C While Pregnant?
Emergen-C, a popular vitamin C supplement, is often taken to boost immunity, especially during cold and flu seasons. The primary ingredient in Emergen-C is vitamin …

Can You Take Azo While Pregnant?
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be a common concern during pregnancy, leading many to wonder about safe relief options. This article delves into the safety …

Can you use icy hot while pregnant?
Icy Hot is a popular over-the-counter topical pain reliever that many people turn to for relief from muscle aches and joint pains. But when it …

Can You Eat Crawfish While Pregnant?
Pregnancy is a transformative journey, filled with excitement, anticipation, and a myriad of questions. Among these questions is the safety of consuming certain foods, including …

Can Pregnant Women Eat Shrimp?
During pregnancy, many women are cautious about their dietary choices, especially the safety of seafoods. Shrimp is a delicious and nutritious food, but is it …

Can you take dramamine while pregnant?
Dramamine is a widely recognized medication for motion sickness. It can also help with morning sickness during early pregnancy, which makes it attractive to pregnant …

Can I take Sudafed while pregnant?
For many expecting mothers, the safety of medications during pregnancy is a significant concern. When it comes to Sudafed, a common over-the-counter decongestant, the answer …

Can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant?
Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and often, a myriad of questions. One such question that frequently arises is about caffeine consumption. With coffee …

Can you eat salami when pregnant?
When it comes to pregnancy, every bite matters. The joy of expecting a new life is often accompanied by a plethora of dietary dos and …

Can you get a brazilian wax while pregnant?
Pregnancy is a transformative journey, filled with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a plethora of questions about what’s best for both the mother and …

Do I Tell Him I’m Pregnant?
If you have recently found out that you are pregnant, you may be going through a whole range of emotions. You may be unsure, shocked, …

Can You Take A Bath After Giving Birth?
A bath is a great way to relax, feel clean and soothe aching muscles, so it’s natural for a woman to want a bath after …

When Is It Safe To Orgasm After Giving Birth?
Congratulations on just having a baby! It can feel like such a blessing and one of the happiest moments of your life. But, you can …

Can You Donate Plasma While Pregnant?
Being pregnant doesn’t just come with many bodily changes. It also comes with many questions concerning what a pregnant woman can and can’t do. Among …

Can Vicks Cause Miscarriage?
The health and well-being of pregnant women and their unborn babies is a paramount concern, leading to a multitude of questions regarding the safety of …

Why Do Women Give Birth On Their Backs?
With the huge variety of birthing positions women can choose from, it never ceases to surprise me why so many women give birth on their …

Can You Take Pepto While Pregnant?
Heartburn and upset stomach can be common side-effects of pregnancy, so many expectant mothers want to know, can you take Pepto while pregnant? Pepto-Bismol, known …

Can You Take Melatonin While Pregnant?
I understand the challenges that come with pregnancy, especially when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. You’re not alone if you’ve found yourself …

Can You Get A Tattoo While Pregnant?
Tattoos are one of the most popular ways to express your personality and identity. If you love getting tattoos, or you are curious about getting …

How To Use A Pregnancy Pillow
Expecting a baby is an exciting time, but it can also bring its fair share of discomfort. Thankfully, when you learn how to use a …

Can You Drink Matcha While Pregnant?
Pregnancy brings a lot of changes and challenges for expectant mothers – both physically and mentally – and it is normal to feel lost and …

Does Sweet Tea Have Caffeine?
Loved for its refreshing and sweetened flavor, sweet tea is a staple for many during the hot summer months. Particularly popular in the southern regions …

Does Thai Tea Have Caffeine?
Thai milk tea is a delicious drink that has a creamy, sweet texture and taste. Plus, its fragrance is something out of this world. However, …

Does Ginger Ale Have Caffeine?
Ginger ale is a very popular carbonated soft drink. It has a refreshing taste full of natural ginger flavor that is sure to make your …

Can You Eat Steak While Pregnant?
Many of us love nothing better than a juicy steak, but when you’re pregnant, you will need to make some changes to your diet for …

Can You Take Magnesium While Pregnant?
During pregnancy, maintaining proper nutrition and taking care of your health is crucial for both you and your growing baby. One common question that arises …

Can You Eat Beef Jerky While Pregnant?
Between general brain fog and likely constant worry about what you are putting into your body, even the most simple food items can seem dangerous. …

Does Chamomile Tea Have Caffeine?
When you are pregnant or just don’t want to consume caffeine for one reason or another, you may have to do the research when it …

Can You Take Adderall While Pregnant?
Between 1998 and 2011, the use of medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) more than doubled among pregnant women. With more women being treated …

Can You Take Alka Seltzer While Pregnant?
While pregnancy can be a magical experience, it also comes with its fair share of discomfort. One of the main complaints pregnant women report is …

Can Cats Sense Pregnancy?
As a cat owner, you may be aware that your feline friend has an incredible knack for picking up on your subtlest movements. They’re like …

Can Cinnamon Cause A Miscarriage?
Cinnamon is a popular spice that has been used for centuries in cooking and traditional medicine. However, there are concerns that having cinnamon during pregnancy …

Why To Avoid Banana During Pregnancy?
Eating a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy is crucial for both the mother and the baby. Many foods are considered safe and recommended during …

Can You Take Ashwagandha While Breastfeeding?
The foods and drinks you can enjoy while breastfeeding are not quite as limiting as the actual pregnancy. In fact, breastfeeding moms can enjoy some …

8 Hypnobirthing Techniques You Should Practice Everyday
Hypnobirthing techniques can help you to have a calm birth experience and replace fear and discomfort with joy and empowerment. In order for hypnobirthing techniques …

Does A Hypnobirth Help With The Pushing Stage Of Labor?
Pregnancy can put a lot of pressure on women, and labor can place a large strain on the body, something that can lead to a …

9 Best Birthing Positions For A Hypnobirth
If you look at videos or photographs of births, you’ll notice that many births take place in a lying-down position. While common, this is not …

10 Tips For A Positive Hypnobirth
Hypnobirthing has become pretty popular in recent times, having celebrity endorsement from the likes of Kate Middleton and Jessica Alba. Hypnobirthing is a unique and …

What do doulas do?
During pregnancy and childbirth, expectant mothers face a wide range of physical and emotional challenges, and having the right support can make all the difference. …

Can You Eat Scallops While Pregnant?
Pregnancy can bring a lot of changes into your life, especially when it comes to your diet, and you’re probably keen to make sure you …

Water Birth: Pros, Cons and Hypnobirthing
As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, you may be wondering about your options for giving birth. One option that has become …

Can You Drink Kombucha While Pregnant?
Kombucha is a probiotic drink that emerged from the health food world. Like sauerkraut or kefir yogurt the drink has live cultures and probiotics that …

Tokophobia: Do You Fear Giving Birth?
For many, the thought of childbirth may bring to mind images of a glowing mother-to-be, surrounded by loved ones and welcoming a new life into …

Self Hypnosis: Benefits, How to Try It & More
Imagine yourself being hypnotized. What comes to your mind? Perhaps a pendulum swinging back and forth or a mysterious figure commanding you to “sleep” in …

Hypnosis For Pregnancy: Does It Work and Is It Safe?
Pregnancy can be a beautiful and transformative time in a woman’s life, but it’s no secret that it can also come with its fair share …

Pain Management During Labor
Bringing a new life into the world is a remarkable experience, but it’s also no small feat. As an expectant mother, you’re likely anticipating the …

Tips For Natural Birth In Hospital
It is becoming increasingly popular for women who want a low-intervention birth to opt for natural birth in hospital, because it gives access to medical …

Blissful Birth Hypnobirthing book now on Kindle
2023 update: We no longer offer our program via 3rd party sites. Order here. With the world totally focussed on the news that the Duchess …

Heidi Woodgate Quoted In The Times Newspaper
My blog post about Kate Middleton considering hypnobirthing earlier this month caught the attention of the national papers, and the article was quoted in a …

Is Kate Middleton Planning to use Blissful Birth hypnobirthing?
If the flurry of activity in the blogosphere, news and gossip magazines over the last couple of days is to believed, the Duchess of Cambridge …

Giving birth is a woman’s greatest fear
Earlier this year, the Telegraph, in conjunction with Bounty and MORI, conducted a poll of 900 women to find out their greatest concern before starting …

Cutting umbilical cord early is a ‘risk to babies’
The currently accepted practice in the UK is to accelerate the arrival of the placenta with an injection and clamp and cut the cord immediately… …

Stress in pregnancy gives babies mental health issues
Stress in pregnancy can affect the development of an unborn child’s brain, causing disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. Research from the University of Pennsylvania’s …

Birthing fears need to be recognised and dealt with
At the end of last year, the BBC reported the Royal College of Midwives call for fear of childbirth (tokophobia) to be recognised and dealt …

Is your baby bump too small?
Have you noticed that as soon as a you get pregnant, people seem to become obsessed with your baby bump and how it’s growing? The …

Research Snippet on Hypnosis for Childbirth
The UK National Council for Hypnotherapy has issued a “research snippet” on the effectiveness of Hypnosis for Childbirth. In it they say: Studies [Hoffman & Kipenhaur …

Celebrating 6 years of Blissful Birth
Our eldest is 5 this month, which means that Blissful Birth is fast approaching 6 years old. How time flies. I’d like to say a …